Radiant Worship

Raphael × Apollo R18

Written by: メガネ ( @FourandMoreEyes ) (Their Ko-fi, heehee)

Sharp nails gently raked over his forehead. Raphael’s brow was steady, but then it twitched at the second pass and knit at the third. Though he kept his eyes closed, he was now perfectly awake. When the gentle touching didn’t stop, he asked,

“Are you entertained?”

He heard the soft huff that always proceeded a laugh and then there was the reply, “Yes, of course.” The dainty touch of two fingers against his forehead, and then a thumb stroked along the arch of his eyebrow. “Does it bother you?”

Raphael sighed and forced himself to relax. “Even if I said ‘yes,’ I highly doubt that would stop you.”

“Oh come now. You make me sound like a pest.”

Finally, Raphael cracked open an eye and stared up at the Viera hovering over him. “Aren’t you?”

Apollo chuckled warmly. “I should hope not, and yet.” He leaned down. As he did, he cradled the crown of Raphael’s head, and then he pressed a kiss to Raphael’s forehead. “I hope that I’m the biggest pest of all.”

A snort followed, short but to the very point. Raphael didn’t bother repeating whatever point he wanted to make as they had had this conversation (or something very, very similar) several times before. Raphael turned his thumbs around each other where his hands lay clasped over his armoured stomach.

“What are you doing here?” he finally mumbled.

“I was passing through, genuinely.” Apollo pulled back enough that he could stay propped up on his side next to where Raphael was resting. “I had business with a hunter out this way, and because of this and that, I ended up coming across you.”

“‘Because of this and that,’ hm?”

“Ooh, you sound unhappy to see me.”

“To be fair, my eyes are closed. I could very well pretend that you’re just a dream.”

There was a pause, one only short enough to feel, before Apollo brought himself closer again and whispered in Raphael’s ear:

“I could always make your dream sweeter, Raphael.”

He should have expected it; he truly should have, but still, there was a shiver of something warm and delightful that ran down his spine. But instead of showing that he was affected in any way, he opened his eyes enough to glare over at Apollo, who only smiled at him. Perhaps that was just as bad as just showing his pleasure plain on his face.

“Always on, aren’t you?”

“You just make it so fun, you know.” Apollo was touching him again, ghosting his fingers over Raphael’s cheek and down to the handsome point of his chin. He turned his hand then and stroked the back of his fingers under Raphael’s jaw. “There’s just… something about you that begs to be bothered, though you would never ‘beg’ in any other regard.”

Raphael scoffed again, louder this time. “As if you could achieve it otherwise.”

“Ah. Now that sounds like a challenge. Is it?”


Raphael parted his hands and used them to push him up into a sitting position. Apollo didn’t move. Instead, he relaxed his hand and let it smooth down the length of Raphael’s body until it landed in his lap. Raphael stared down at him, ears dark and proudly raised, his eyes slightly hooded with contemplation.

“Are you hurt?”

Apollo’s own ears twitched curiously. “Why do you ask?”

“No reason.” Raphael looked away. Casually, he placed his own hand atop Apollo’s wrist; there was a twitch, almost as if he planned to squeeze their hands in an affectionate gesture, but then he removed Apollo from his lap.

Apollo laughed mostly at himself for believing that he could get such softness so easily from the ever contentious Raphael. He wondered how much of it was an act of pure contrarianism; they both knew if Raphael truly disliked their interactions or Apollo’s casual affection, he would have ended their relationship, however it could be described, long ago. But they were fated for something more than simple casualness, weren’t they?

“I’m heading back,” Raphael said as he began to stand.

Apollo rolled onto his back, keeping himself propped up with his elbows, and stared up at the sky. “I suppose I’ll take up your duty then of luxuriating in the sun.”

Raphael placed a hand on his hip and raised a dark brow. “Are you now? You’re coming with me.”

“Oh?” Apollo tipped his head back.

Raphael said nothing at first; he just stared down at the other man, assessing him. One of Apollo’s ears twitched back, forth, rested, back, forth— Raphael closed his eyes and shook his head faintly.

“Were I any other man, I would think that this was all an act. Or perhaps it still is in some regard.” He stared at Apollo pointedly. “Bait to lure me into action.”

Ah. Apollo smiled sweetly. “Act only if you wish. There’s no coercion, only promises.”

“Have you always been such a sweet talker?” He didn’t wait for an answer; he reached down a hand to Apollo. “Have you eaten yet?”

Those words, that expression… Apollo knew what was in store for him now. Perhaps, they would finally…? He smiled and turned to face Raphael.

“I could always eat,” he replied with a honeyed tone as his hand eagerly fell into Raphael’s.

They dined at a small restaurant a retired warrior had opened. It was nice and full-service. The two retainers laughed as they bused orders and chatted with the owner. Apollo and Raphael sat on the outside patio and watched the people quietly passing by.

It was a beautiful day, warm and quiet, but there was this unspoken tension in the air that left Apollo feeling… excited. Though they didn’t speak, they savoured their meal, and every so often, Raphael’s stare was unwavering as he watched Apollo, who tried to hide his smile behind a cup. For every word that wasn’t said, there were a thousand more being conveyed through the in-between gestures as they ate. Perhaps because he couldn’t help himself or perhaps because he wanted to see how far Raphael could be pushed before acting, Apollo tried to make himself more appealing and open.

He ran his nails over the markings on his neck; he licked droplets from his lips after a drink. Raphael was hard to read, but it was easy to track the movements of his eyes. Apollo felt proud of himself and put a stop to his little game once he had achieved that. He was sure that his fate had been sealed, anyway.

Between leaving the restaurant and arriving at Raphael’s home, Apollo’s mind had gone in a thousand different directions about how things would start—or perhaps he should be the one to start them. What little they had already done excited him down to his bones, and he trembled with barely restrained anticipation as they stood before familiar doors.

The interior was well-lit by the sunlight, and without thinking, Apollo moved towards a sun patch near the back window. Before he could get very far, Raphael’s arms wrapped around his middle. Soft lips followed the curve of his neck, and Apollo let out the softest sigh. His eyes fluttered closed as he reveled in the closeness.

“I’ll return shortly.”

It was all Raphael needed to say to draw out another noise, a quiet moan, from Apollo. If he was being too eager, no complaint came Apollo’s way. Raphael kissed a mark into his neck before drawing away and heading further into the home. Apollo watched him go and then walked into the sun patch. He stared out over the well-manicured yard, short as it was, and let his mind wander again. 

He stayed like that for a while. It was easy to lose track of time as he just observed the world. It wouldn’t take very long for Raphael to change out of his armaments, but how would he show himself after? Would he be in something casual? Would he call Apollo into the room and be waiting in his sublime nudity?

Apollo tapped his lips with his thumb before… Well, he would be bold, wouldn’t he? Stripping down was an easy thing for him; afterward, he held his garments close against the front of his body, turned away, and headed into the bedroom. He could hear the splash of water from the basin, and so, he followed that noise.


The other Viera turned to his voice; wet fingers slicked back a fringe to get a better look of him. He had been cleaning himself up. How nice of him. Apollo wondered—briefly, only very briefly—what business Raphael had tended to earlier in the day, but it didn’t matter now. Nothing mattered outside of the two of them. Having Raphael’s focus, Apollo dropped his clothes to the floor and revealed himself entirely. Raphael’s eyes widened slightly, and that emboldened Apollo even further. Whatever Raphael had planned to do before, Apollo could only up that this would intensify things to the nth degree.

“Will you take me to bed?” he asked shyly; for regardless of his boldness, he was truly shy about it all, but he didn’t fear rebuke from Raphael of all people. Despite how they spoke to one another, things were more honest and direct in this regard.

Raphael looked up and down his body; Apollo fought the urge to hide himself again, and he felt the wonderful skip of excitement thrum through his body.  When a sigh followed, Apollo tittered. Raphael turned to face him.


“Excited,” Apollo corrected sweetly.

“Greedy, then.” Raphael closed the space between them and cupped Apollo’s face.

Another sigh, another smile. “That… we can agree upon.”

Raphael didn’t speak, for there was nothing else left to say. When their lips made contact, it was an electric moment of bliss. Apollo threw his arms around Raphael’s neck and moaned when he felt Raphael drag him closer.

Apollo had fantasised about their union several times before. After intense, passionate make-out sessions and the occasional heavy petting, he always wondered what would happen if they had gone all the way, if they matched each other’s passion with relish and complete abandon. But he was completely inexperienced about these things. His mind could only take him to the act itself, and sometimes, very rarely, the in-between was filled in for him.

But he couldn’t have imagined being on his back with Raphael holding his knees and keeping his legs parted, watching him with a lust-heavy stare. Apollo bit down on his lip, hips bucking and body shaking as he dutifully performed under Raphael’s careful gaze.

“A-aren’t… S-shouldn’t you do this part?” Apollo asked as he continued to pump two fingers inside of himself. The oil had been generous, and now it was making a mess of him. S-surely… the sight couldn’t have been that appealing, but from the telltale way Raphael took slow, deep breaths, he could only believe the opposite. 

“Your nails are shorter,” Raphael said matter-of-factedly. He squeezed over Apollo’s knees. “How do you feel?”

Apollo’s breath hitched, and he closed his eyes, turned his head away. It was too embarrassing to even talk about something like that, but since they had already come this far… s-since it was everything he wanted…

“G-good,” he said quietly.

“Can you fit another?”


“The more prepared you are, the better you’ll feel. Unless you wish for me to take you as you are, Apollo. To plow you into this bed as you adjust around me.”

Apollo moaned; he couldn’t help himself. He snapped his legs shut, and Raphael let him. Even though they hadn’t done anything, his thighs were positively shaking. He was beaten at his own game—completely overwhelmed! But things couldn’t stop here. He relaxed enough to manoeuvre his arm comfortably and then prodded a third finger. This wasn’t the most comfortable angle, but if he moved slowly, he could manage at the very least. 

When he whined, Raphael parted his knees again and stared down at the bounty beneath him. Apollo opened his eyes to stare up at his lover. 

“Very good, Apollo.”

Those words were going to set him on fire.

“I need you, Raphael. I… I need you, please.”

“How much sweeter can this dream be, I wonder?” Raphael reached to grab the vial of oil himself. “Allow me to find out.”

Apollo carefully pulled out his fingers and took him Raphael’s handsome visage from this angle. He felt arousal and excitement jump around inside him as Raphael’s cool expression melted with every slick pump of his fist. Apollo peeked down, wanting to watch as they fit together, but the sight of Raphael preparing himself was nearly too much to take.


“Hm– Ready?” The words shook around a careful breath.

Apollo nodded, and then Raphael slipped closer to align himself. Apollo was up on his elbows immediately, feeling this perverse excitement hasting his movements. His prepared entrance squeezed close for a second, but then he made himself relax. When he glanced up, Raphael was watching his face.

“Eyes on me,” Raphael muttered.

Apollo’s lips parted, allowing breaths in and out, and he nodded again. Perhaps it was better like this because when Raphael slid inside of him, he was perfectly relaxed. But the sound of his own moan filling the quiet area was almost enough to make him quiet himself again. Apollo’s fingers tightened in the covers, and he barely realised he had closed his eyes until he was squeezing them shut. He was so overwhelmed by the stretch, the length, the slow satisfaction of being filled. 

Raphael’s forehead touched his; Apollo moaned and whimpered with every slow thrust that eased him into the sensation. The–they were together in a way that Apollo had only dared to dream about. He struggled to reconcile reality from fantasy, but they were all too wonderful to properly push out of his mind. He shot a hand out to touch Raphael’s bare chest and enjoyed the thrumming heartbeat underneath his palm.

At least he wasn’t the only one who was so affected. Because Raphael had been going so slowly, it wasn’t a struggle to adjust. Apollo nodded, a shaky “yes” passing his lips. It was a weak summary of his feelings, but Raphael understood anyway. Soon, Apollo was guided onto his back and kissed breathless. 

Like this, Raphael’s body belied his more wanton urges; Apollo could feel the control still wound tight in his lover’s body, but instead of feeling shunned or as if Raphael was withholding, he felt… flattered? Was that the word? Surely, it had to be. Raphael was still holding himself back instead of plunging head long into his desires. Apollo laughed into the kiss, difficult as it was to shape around the moans. When sense found him, he teased Raphael for having too tight a fist on his restraint, for ignoring how he truly felt.

It took so much effort to speak coherently, let alone think, but he was motivated to poke holes until Raphael’s lust bled through freely and drowned them both.

And. Well. He got his wish.

Seconds dragged into hazy minutes, which dragged into… an hour? Two? It was impossible to keep up time. At some point during their coupling, Apollo had been flipped onto his stomach and his hips dragged up high. His neck and shoulders were throbbing from the love marks Raphael had left upon his skin. Marks to never forget him by—though the very notion was impossible Apollo would feel him for days—weeks!—at this point.

Apollo gripped a pillow and the sheets for dear life. His broken moans and shaky whines were muffled by the rumpled covers still gripped in one hand. He was amazed by himself; whenever Raphael stopped to draw himself back from the edge, Apollo was still raring to go. An insatiable pressure had built inside of himself, and every time Raphael stopped or slowed, he wanted to scream.

This stamina… had he always had the capacity to last so long during something like this? He wasn’t sure how to take it all. The pleasure was driving him to maddening heights, and he wanted nothing more than to wring Raphael for all his worth. Raphael had already come once and had muttered his own astonishment into Apollo’s skin.

“So, all of this was a mere trick to take me down in my own home?”

Apollo laughed, delirious from how much he wanted to achieve his own release. 

“A play at innocence to make me your prey?” Raphael’s hand curled around Apollo’s need, and the ecstasy of it all made Apollo keen.

“It w… wouldn’t be such a bad way to go, now would it?”

Each stroke was slow and made Apollo’s eyes cross. He stretched out; he arched his back; he writhed slowly, unable to figure out what to do with himself. Desperately, he clasped a hand over Raphael’s and panted weakly. Over his own voice, he heard,

“No… I supposed not.”

If he weren’t mistaken, he would have believed that Raphael sounded mystified by him. Truly awed. It was hard to think about anything else. All he could do was hold onto his lover’s wrist for dear life and weakly plead:

“Hh, ha… Raphael!”

Raphael groaned and ducked his head. “I need to see you.”

The words barely hit Apollo’s ears before he was left empty. Unsure of what was happening next, he looked over his shoulder and watched as Raphael came to rest beside him. Raphael sighed shakily before gesturing Apollo over.


That was the idea… Apollo licked his lips and shuffled over on shaky legs to straddle his lover’s lap. Before he could make himself too comfortable, Raphael lined himself up again, guided Apollo down, and…


Apollo’s eyes rolled. This angle was divine. He could feel Raphael so much deeper, and he adjusted to the weight with the slow rise and fall of his own hips. He felt so weak, but the longer he kept at it, the more his body seemed to move on its own. Raphael chuckled at him.

“You hardly need direction.”

“It’s… too good.” The teasing completely went over Apollo’s head. He closed his eyes and just marveled at how Raphael felt. He was dizzy from how good he felt; whatever was missing before was made whole again, and he knew he could find his end like this. “Raphael… Y-you feel…” He leaned his head back as he slowly rode over the other man’s length.

Raphael shuddered openly and smoothed his hands up and down the length of Apollo’s thighs. “You look beautiful.”

Maybe Apollo imagined that. Maybe his mind, which was common to wander, trailed away into its fantasies again, and if that was the case, he was more than happy to lose himself to illusion. Small moans bumped out of him with every drop; his brows were tight, and his lips pouted. He could feel Raphael move closer—and then they were kissing again. Apollo cupped his beloved’s face and kissed him, slow and deep, wanting to feel as much of him as was possible.

“O-oh. Raphae… Right there, right there…!”

“Apollo—ha!” Raphael wrapped his arms around Apollo’s middle and hammered up into his heat, earning a choked moan and pleasured cry.

“Raph— Raph— ho!” Apollo scratched down the length of Raphael’s and whimpered, “Take care of me.”


Apollo lost himself, and Raphael too in the heat of his lover. They were a single entity of bliss, too fragile to be apart and yet too great to exist for long. When Apollo reached his blessed climax, he threw his head back and let out a silent cry to heaven. Each pump of Raphael’s hips coaxed out more of their shared release, and Apollo shuddered as he was pushed to his sensitive brink.

When he woke again, he was still too exhausted to think, too satiated to even wish to. Apollo fluttered open his eyes and was met with the steady rise and fall of Raphael’s chest. Tilting his head up, he saw that relaxed expression and cherished it so. He smiled gently and found Raphael beautiful in his serenity. He reached up a hand and raked away dark hair with the tips of his nails. The first stroke went ignored, but the second earned the reaction he had come to expect. By the third, he was already smiling when Raphael opened his eyes.

“This again?”

Apollo laughed. “But of course. How else am I supposed to stay entertained?”

Raphael watched him before grunting and closing his eyes. “Was one marathon not enough?”

“Perhaps not.” The words went free before Apollo could stop them. “But I’m inclined to think it’s your fault, my heart. After all…” Apollo slipped forward and kissed Raphael slowly. And then he said, with a smile, “It’s your dream, after all. Isn’t it?”

Raphael watched Apollo through his lashes before cupping his face. “Yes. I suppose it is.”

e n d

nana says:

“Eyes on me.” — what a crazy line. Actually Raph says a lot of crazy one-liners. “I need to see you.” ?!!??! I want to punch him.

My friend and I really got a kick out of the nails part. I think it’s so funny but so accurate.

Apollo is so delightful and I adore how this was written in his POV, especially since I haven’t had the chance to do it yet myself!